July 5, 2007

Robots.txt and THE MITHOLOGY

One can charge anything to search engines with the help of special meta tags. Namely more wrong nothing!
You can not charge the return of search engine to your site in 2 days, neither also - near the use of metatags - forbid her visiting all of the pages of the service. And this is these supposedly working meta tags:

in meta "revisit-after" content ="1 days"

First line of the above mentioned code orders - rather, would like to be able to order - the robot indexing the site his behaviour. This does not work. Second line orders again to visit the side in 1 day. Obviously also useless.About how much second metatag is entirely useless, then one can replace first with the suitable file. The name of file is 'robots.txt'. He should be placed in the main catalog on the server, that is how the URL of this file looks: http://your-web.com/robots.txt. Search engine reads contained information in this file first, and just begins then to index the side.One can create the file ' robots.txt' in the usual textual editor, e.g. the Notebook. And it looks so:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

The above mentioned code will block the possibility of indexing the whole site, for all search engines [the star near the User-agent].

If you want to exclude the single brochure from indexing, or the even single file, you should so do this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /folder
Disallow: /folder2/mysecret.htm

There are no meta tags "strengthening" search engines optimization (obviously keywords, or description have in some browsers the influence on results but they do not order anything to search engine). There is only such, so you can exclude certain fragments of the service from the process of positioning.

July 2, 2007

Step 1: Keyword Research

Step 1: Keyword Research
Before ever doing any SEO, I always research which keywords I want to target. I’ll use a real world example that I currently hold the #1 ranking for in Yahoo and the #2 in MSN, so you can see how I did it. I’m still waiting on the results for Google, since Google takes so very, very long to rank a site these days. Besides, there are very good reasons for AdSense and YPN publishers to focus on Yahoo and MSN instead of Google in their SEO efforts. More on that in a little bit. I have a blog, when I created it I had to decide which keywords would get me the most traffic while not being too difficult to rank for, so I did the research at my favorite research tool, Digital Point’s Keyword Suggestion Tool (it’s free): http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion/ I entered the term “cat” into the search box to see what I’d get.

As of the time of writing this tutorial, “cat picture” is getting 1,600 searches a day in Overture. It’s not in the Wordtracker list, but I’m rather more inclined to trust Overture’s search counts since Wordtracker relies on meta tag data and things that really have nothing to do with what people are actually searching for. I like to see the comparison, though, so I use Digital Point’s tool a lot. Keep in mind that Overture does not deal with plural keywords, it counts the
plural searches as singular searches. So I had to stop and think, would
people be searching for “cat picture” or “cat pictures” most of the time? In my mind, “cat pictures” seemed like the more natural search query, so I
decided to target that as my primary keyword for the blog.
Also keep in mind that the search counts you see are not the exact search
counts for the search engines. Sometimes the search engines get a lot more
queries than what you see, sometimes a lot less. What you’re more
interested in is how the keywords compare to each other in the list. If
“cat pictures” gets more searches than “feline pictures” according to
Overture, then chances are that “cat pictures” gets more searches than
“feline pictures” in the search engines, too.

The Value of a Keyword
In addition to knowing how many times a set of keywords was searched for,
it’s extremely important that you focus on the keywords that you know are
going to pay well. To research this I used my Keyword Explosion database.
As of the writing of this ebook, Keyword Explosion contains almost 2 and a
half million keywords and their AdWords CPC (cost per click) value, as well
as how many clicks they receive on a daily basis according to the AdWords
Traffic Estimator Tool. Very good stuff for deciding which keywords you
should build your site around if you want to make the most money per click.

The Title in SEO

Okay, so today I am going to go through a real basic if it comes to search engine optimization.
Fist off, if you don't know how to build a website and don't want to learn it, I suggest you to click on www.costme.net and look around, it is a freelancer market for people who are looking for the website and especially someone who is willing to create it for you for fee. So, let's start. You have a webiste, and few days later you see that there is no traffic to your website and then you want to SEO. Ok, so if you want to do it, you should start from the very basic which is THE PAGE TITLE. The page title is the title of the page, well for search engines it is a keyword and a link which is showed in the results, for a human it is a title showed in the top left corner of his explorer and also the link. Put your keywords based on some word fix like if your main keyword is "Internet Money" and "New York Advertising" then write your title like this "Internet Money - New York Internet Advertisign" keep it short and clear and then you should jump your first few positions up.